“Citrus: a journey through history and art” will soon be available in bookshops. A book written by Salvador Zaragoza, edited by Todolí Citrus Fundació and published by La Fábrica.

This publication takes a journey through the historical relationship between citrus and the different human cultures, showing the fascination that citrus have generated, whether from an agronomic, medicinal, gastronomic or artistic point of view. It includes numerous anecdotes that show us the evolution of human thought and agronomic knowledge. An accessible and attractive book, both for experts in the field and for curious people who wish to know how citrus have accompanied us on the journey towards modernity.

The book also contains an insert dedicated to the representation of citrus in the art of the last 800 years. The historian and curator Vicente Todolí, founder of the Todolí Citrus Fundació, has selected around 50 works for this publication, including the work of some of the most representative artists of each period. This section is a tribute to the attraction that artists have shown for citrus, which has contributed to turning them into objects of admiration and collecting.

The author, Salvador Zaragoza, has been a researcher at Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research for 40 years, and director of its Citriculture Department for more than 15 years

Author: Salvador Zaragoza Adriaensens
Edition: Todolí Citrus Fundació
Realisation: Editorial La Fábrica
Design: Studio Fernando Gutiérrez
Size: 30 x 23 x 4,5 cm – approx 400 pg.
Features: Hard cover, high quality printing
RRP: 59€

The English version will be coming soon. For more information you can contact us at info@todolicitrus.org